Complaints Procedure

Policy Statement

At Daisy Homecare, we fully support the rights of service users to raise complaints and share concerns about the services we provide. We strive to make this process as straightforward as possible and view complaints as opportunities to learn, adapt, and improve our services.

This policy ensures that complaints from service users, their families, carers, or advocates are taken seriously and handled appropriately. It is not designed to apportion blame, determine negligence, or address compensation matters. Additionally, it is distinct from the agency’s disciplinary procedures.

We understand that failing to acknowledge or address complaints can exacerbate issues, increase dissatisfaction, and lead to potential legal disputes. Our approach prioritizes resolving complaints at a local level, promptly and transparently, between the complainant and Daisy Homecare staff, including the Registered Manager where possible.


Aims of the Complaints Procedure

Daisy Homecare is committed to implementing an effective complaints procedure and ensuring that service users feel confident their concerns are heard and addressed fairly and promptly. Our specific aims include:

1.Ensuring service users, carers, and their representatives are informed about how to raise complaints, with clear and accessible opportunities to do so.

2. Designating a named individual responsible for managing the complaints process.

3. Acknowledging all written complaints within two working days.

4. Investigate all complaints thoroughly within 28 days.

5. Providing a written response to every complaint within 28 days.

6 . Handling complaints promptly, sensitively, and fairly, recognizing the potential distress they may cause to both service users and staff.



Named Complaints Manager

The designated individual responsible for overseeing complaints at Daisy Homecare is:

David Drury

Business Development Manager

2 Nightingale Road, Southsea, PO5 3JL


Phone: 023 9279 8029

If a complainant is dissatisfied with how their complaint has been handled or resolved, they can escalate their concerns to the following external authority:

Care Quality Commission (CQC)

Citygate, Gallowgate

Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 4PA

Telephone: 03000 616161

In cases involving allegations or suspicions of abuse, the matter will be immediately referred to the Local Safeguarding Board. The board may convene a strategy meeting to determine the appropriate actions, potentially involving the Safeguarding Authority for an assessment.


Complaints Procedure

Verbal Complaints

1.Daisy Homecare treats all verbal complaints, regardless of perceived severity, with seriousness.

2.Staff members receiving a verbal complaint are expected to work towards resolving the issue promptly.

3.Staff are trained to remain polite, empathetic, and professional. Defensive or confrontational behavior is strongly discouraged.

4.When addressing complaints, staff are advised to maintain a calm and respectful demeanor at all times.

5.Staff must avoid assigning blame, making excuses, or deflecting responsibility to others.

6.If an advocate raises a complaint on behalf of a service user, staff must verify that the advocate has the necessary authorization to act on the service user’s behalf. If in doubt, explicit permission from the service user is required before proceeding.

7.After discussing the issue, the responsible staff member or senior team member will propose a resolution plan. If agreed upon, this plan should be documented and a method for follow-up communication established (e.g., a subsequent meeting or written correspondence).

8.If the resolution plan is unsatisfactory to the complainant, they will be asked to submit their complaint in writing. A copy of Daisy Homecare’s complaints procedure will be provided if not already available.

9.All verbal and written complaints must be recorded in both the Complaints Book and the service user’s file.


Serious or Written Complaints

Preliminary Steps:

1.Upon receiving a written complaint, it will be forwarded to the most senior manager at the branch, who will log it in the Complaint Log and issue an acknowledgment letter within two working days.

2.The complainant will also receive an information brochure outlining the complaints process.

3.The senior manager will inform Head Office of the complaint details.

4.If the complainant is not the service user, written consent from the service user must be obtained before proceeding.

5.In cases involving potentially serious issues, legal advice may be sought. If legal action is initiated, the internal complaints investigation will be suspended.

6.If the complainant does not wish to engage with Daisy Homecare’s investigation process, they will be advised to contact:

•The local authority if publicly funded.

•The Local Government Ombudsman if self-funded.

•Advocacy organizations such as Age UK for guidance.


Investigation of the Complaint:

1.The named complaints manager will begin an investigation immediately upon receiving the complaint. Within 28 days, they will provide a full explanation to the complainant, either in writing or through a meeting.

2.If the investigation requires more than 28 days, the complainant will be informed of the delay and updated regularly.


Meeting with the Complainant:

1.If a meeting is held, the complainant may bring a friend, family member, or representative (e.g., an advocate).

2.During the meeting, the investigation results will be thoroughly explained, and an apology will be offered where appropriate. (An apology does not equate to an admission of liability.)

3.The meeting serves as an opportunity to demonstrate that the complaint has been taken seriously and investigated thoroughly.


Follow-Up Actions:

1.Whether a meeting is held or not, a written summary of the investigation will be provided to the complainant, including details on how to escalate the matter to the Care Quality Commission if dissatisfied.

2.The investigation outcomes and any necessary procedural improvements will be documented in the Complaint Log and reported to Head Office.

3.Daisy Homecare reviews all complaints at least biannually as part of its quality monitoring and improvement process, ensuring that lessons are learned and applied.