02392 798029 | enquiries@daisycare.co.uk
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A concise summary of how we can help YOU
How can Daisy Homecare help me?
No matter how you’re involved with care, we’re here to make your life easier. Do you require care? We’ll find the right person. Work, or looking to work, in care? We’ll match you to someone whose requirements align with your skills and experience. Need staff for your established care setting on a temporary or permanent basis? We’ve got you covered.
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Founded by people highly experienced in care for the health and social care sector, we exist for the sole purpose of providing the best quality care to those who can benefit from it the most. We assess every service user on a case-by-case basis to ensure a care plan which meets their specific needs and maximises their choice, autonomy, and independence whilst maintaining the highest level of safety.
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