Live-in Care in Southsea

For dementia care, elderly care, or learning disability care.

Why Live-in Care

An individual with care requirements will often prefer to stay in their own home if possible, and live-in care tends to mean that it’s an option for longer than it would otherwise be. Familiar settings, with a trained professional on hand at all times.

Would live-in care be appropriate for you?

In most cases, live-in care is deemed to be appropriate when an individual requires a level of assistance that wouldn’t necessarily be achievable if reliant on regular visits.
Live-in care means having a dedicated carer who is based at the service users’ home and is therefore available at all times. Often, they will become like an extension of the family, but of course, the primary purpose is to ensure that any care requirements are met as efficiently as possible. Of course, the individual receiving care and the homeowner will have the ultimate say on who can live at the property and as such there is an exhaustive process to provide only the most suitable candidates based on any requirements and criteria they may have.

Benefits of Live-in Care

The most obvious benefit is the ready availability of assistance as and when it is required. Unplanned or unexpected needs can be addressed in a swift and efficient manner.

On top of that, there is a good opportunity for the service user to feel comfortable. Infinitely more so than if they were to see someone for an hour or two every day or, in most care set-ups, several different people over a week.

Live-in care also allows for much closer, continual monitoring. This means that care packages can be adjusted accordingly, and care providers can be responsive to any changes in conditions, behaviours and requirements.